Month: May 2024

Should animals be kept in zoos

  Should animals be keeped in zoos 


Do you think zoos should be in zoos? I think not because would you like  to be separated from  your family?  I know you wouldn’t.They animals have to learn how to hunt for food and eat.  


And that is why animals should not be in zoos.


Another reason is because they do not get fed enough in zoos and they have to be free in the wild.  They should be left in the wild because they are wild animals and there is ot enough room in the zoo for animals to run around and be like  an animal they are. An african zoo does not fed there animals and let them starve to death 


Zoos do not have the amount of room for animals 


That is why animals should  not be keeped in zoos.

My favourite part of my holiday

My favourite part of my holiday 

was when me,my Nand my sister Aubree went out. We went to the ice-skating ranck for 1 hour and 30 minutes. It was hard to get the hang of it but in the end. It was so much fun  I felt like I was going home but my nana said do you want to go to Timezone? We were like, is that even a question, yes! Please  we got there. I WAS  SOOOO HAPPY to be there. It was my favourite place to go when I went out. The games I played were claw machines and other games and it was A BLAST